
Taliban Defense Minister Mohammad Yaqub Defends Detention of Uzbek Commander Makhdoom Alam in Faryab

In a speech in Faryab, Taliban Defense Minister Mohammad Yaqub defended the arrest of Alam Makhdoom, a prominent local Uzbek commander, by Taliban intelligence, saying he would be proven innocent in court and stressed that he was an “accused, criminal.” is not”.

Two weeks ago, Makhdoom Alam’s arrest sparked protests by locals and the Uzbek Taliban in Faryab.

Mr Yaqub, speaking to a number of senior Taliban commanders in Faryab on Friday, said: “What was the protest for? “If he is imprisoned, if it is proven, no one has the right to oppose it.” He warned that anyone who opposed would betray the “Islamic Emirate”.

He added: “If the servant of the world is” oppressed (innocent), we will support him, and if he is a criminal, I will punish him myself, it does not matter if this person is Pashtun, Uzbek or Tajik. “

“Some people in the name of the party, the movement and the population, some in the name of the Uzbek general, the Tajiks or the Pashtuns, or the Arab and Turkmen commanders all had different goals and lied. People were following them blindfolded. “And they have deeds and what is their past, what service have they rendered to religion, Islam and homeland or people.”

Representatives of the United States and Europe, in talks with the Taliban foreign minister in Oslo, called for the participation of tribes and women and the formation of an inclusive government by the Taliban.

The United Nations and members of the Security Council also called for an inclusive government and respect for the rights of women and minorities. The Taliban, however, says it will not be possible if the international community’s goal is to bring back former government officials.

In a February 15 interview with BBC Persian TV, Taliban deputy intelligence spokesman Enamullah Samangani said Taliban intelligence had obtained “evidence” that Makhdoom Alam, a powerful local Taliban commander from the Uzbek / Uzbek ethnic group, had been kidnapped in Dakhil. “It has been and this issue is being followed up.”

He said Mr Alam had been detained by Taliban intelligence and had now been transferred to Kabul.

The arrest of the Uzbek commander sparked widespread protests in Faryab province.

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