Over 50,000 Refugees Returned Through Spin Boldak in 9 Days
In the past 9 days, more than 50,000 Afghan refugees have returned to the country through Spin Boldak, Kandahar.
A number of refugees deported from Pakistan complain about the inappropriate treatment of the Pakistani military.
They say that now that they have returned to the country, there is a need for the caretaker government to address their challenges.
https://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js?client=ca-pub-9106331743139568″ crossorigin=”anonymous”>After the beginning of the process of forced deportation of Afghan refugees from Pakistan in the last nine days, more than 50 thousand immigrants have entered the country through Spin Boldak Kandahar.
Local officials of Kandahar pledged that they will continue their efforts to deal with the challenges of the deported refugees.
“6,000 families numbering 50,000 people have returned to the country since the beginning of November and this process is continuing,” said Ali Mohammad Haqmal, Information officer of Spin Boldak, Kandahar.

“Our mujahidin protect the security of people who come here all night. If they have any illness or problem, we will treat them,” said Hekmatullah Faizani, the security officer of the refugees camp in Spin Boldak.
A number of refugees who have been deported from Pakistan, complained of inappropriate treatment by the Pakistani military. According to these refugees, the Pakistani military has also confiscated their property.
https://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js?client=ca-pub-9106331743139568″ crossorigin=”anonymous”>“In Pakistan the refugees have big problems, the men were separated from their women and they knew nothing of every injustice they have done to them,” said Mohammad Barat, a deported refugee.
“We want them to give us land and give us some shelter,” said Abdul Bari, a deported refugee.
With the beginning of the process of deporting Afghan refugees from Pakistan, some merchants in Kandahar have also started the process of helping the refugees in this province.
Based on the information of the local officials of Kandahar, a number of refugee families who do not have shelter will be provided accommodation in temporary camps and some are moving to their provinces.