
Japan donated $ 100 million to address the humanitarian situation in Afghanistan

The Japanese government has announced $ 100 million in aid to Afghanistan to address the humanitarian crisis in the country. This assistance is provided through international relief organizations, including the United Nations.

The Japanese Foreign Ministry has announced in a press release that it has provided $ 109 million in assistance to Afghanistan and neighboring countries, of which $ 100 million will be allocated to address the humanitarian situation in Afghanistan.

The country is on the brink of a humanitarian crisis and economic collapse following the Taliban seizure of power in mid-August and the cessation of international aid to Afghanistan. More than half of the country’s population is at risk of starvation, UN agencies say.

The Japanese Foreign Ministry added that the aid is intended to directly address the humanitarian situation in Afghanistan and will be used to provide health services, food, water and livelihoods for Afghans.

“The Japanese government continues to provide assistance and to stand by the people of Afghanistan and to play an active role in efforts to ensure stability in the region,” the Japanese Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

The Japanese government grants aid through 16 international organizations, including the United Nations World Food Program, UNICEF, the International Committee of the Red Cross, and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.

Of the $ 109 million in Japanese aid, $ 4.1 million is spent on Afghans in Iran, another $ 3.72 million is on Afghans in Pakistan, and a smaller amount is in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

he UK government will match the first £10 million of donations from the British public to the Disasters Emergency Committee’s (DEC) Afghanistan Appeal, to provide life-saving humanitarian aid.

Money raised from the appeal will support the critical work of 13 leading British charities and their local partners, helping them to provide emergency food and nutrition to children, support healthcare facilities and deliver winter kits to displaced families. The charities will also supply clean drinking water and protect women and girls.

The World Food Programme has warned over half the Afghan population are facing acute hunger and are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance this winter.

Foreign Secretary Liz Truss said:

The British people have shown incredible generosity and the UK is determined to do all we can for the people of Afghanistan. We have doubled our aid this year to save lives, protect women and girls and support stability in the region.

The support is part of the £286 million the UK has pledged to give to Afghanistan this year. £125 million has already been allocated through the UN and aid agencies to support more than 3.4 million people with emergency food, health, shelter, water and protection.

UK aid funding will be channelled through trusted partners with significant experience delivering humanitarian aid in fragile contexts and conflict-affected states. No funding will go directly to the Taliban.

At the G7 meetings in Liverpool last week the Foreign Secretary called for greater international cooperation to tackle the humanitarian crisis, preserve regional stability, protect the gains of the last 20 years and to stress to the Taliban the essential need for Afghan girls of all ages to go back to school.

Note to editors

  • the UK government will match, pound for pound, the first £10 million of public donations to the DEC Afghanistan Appeal through the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office’s UK Aid Match scheme
  • donations can be made at www.dec.org.uk or by calling 0370 60 60 610.
  • through UK Aid Match the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office gives the British public the opportunity to have a say in how the UK aid budget is spent whilst boosting the impact of the very best British charities to change and save the lives of some of the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people. UK government match funding will double British public’s own donations to the DEC appeal up to £10 million and will ensure that DEC member charities working on the ground can reach even more people in need
  • UK Aid Match has increased the impact of a number of DEC appeals to help those in need around the world, including most recently to support people affected by the coronavirus pandemic in fragile states and refugee camps as part of the DEC’s Coronavirus Appeal in 2020
  • through UK Aid Match, FCDO gives the British public the opportunity to decide how the UK aid budget is spent and support people in desperate need by matching their donations pound-for-pound
  • about the DEC: When large-scale disasters hit countries without the capacity to respond, the DEC brings together 15 leading UK aid charities to raise funds quickly and efficiently. In these times of crisis, people in life-and-death situations need our help and our mission is to save, protect and rebuild lives through effective humanitarian response. The DEC’s 15 member charities are: Action Against Hunger, ActionAid UK, Age International, British Red Cross, CAFOD, CARE International UK, Christian Aid, Concern Worldwide UK, International Rescue Committee UK, Islamic Relief Worldwide, Oxfam GB, Plan International UK, Save the Children UK, Tearfund and World Vision UK
  • thirteen of the DEC’s 15 members are responding in Afghanistan, either directly or through national affiliates or trusted local partners, and will receive funds from this appeal. They are Action Against Hunger, ActionAid UK, Age International, British Red Cross, CAFOD, CARE International UK, Christian Aid, Concern Worldwide UK, International Rescue Committee UK, Islamic Relief Worldwide, Save the Children UK, Tearfund and World Vision UK
  • at the G7 meetings last week the Foreign Secretary announced £75 million funding, which follows an announcement on 31 October of the allocation of £50 million for humanitarian aid, as well as the previous Foreign Secretary’s announcement on September 3 of the allocation of up to £30 million for Afghan refugees in the region

9 million Afghans are on the brink of famine this winter.

The IRC has worked in Afghanistan through three decades of crisis, providing millions of people with shelter, education, clean water, health support and other aid. We are committed to remaining in Afghanistan and helping those in need. Donate now to help us support children and families in Afghanistan and in crisis zones worldwide.
Your gift allows us to deliver comprehensive help to people affected by humanitarian crises and will be used where and when most needed. And, when combined with those of other donors, your gift becomes a powerful means to support our vital work, including education, health care, emergency support and job training for families in crisis worldwide.

Afghanistan is in crisis – please donate

It’s a tough time of year to ask for your help. But Afghanistan is heading for catastrophe this winter.  

More than 8 million people are on the brink of famine. Please donate now. 

95% of people don’t have enough to eat and a million children under the age of five are at risk of dying over the next three months.  

The situation has been described by the head of the World Food Programme as “the worst humanitarian crisis on earth”. We need to act now to save lives. 

Years of conflict, poverty and the disruption caused by the pandemic were already taking their toll on the people of Afghanistan. The recent conflict and change of government, coupled with the worst drought in 27 years, have tipped the country over the edge. Economic collapse has sent food prices soaring.  

How will my donation help people in Afghanistan? 

The Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement has been supporting the people of Afghanistan for over 30 years. Our teams are on the ground in all 34 of the country’s provinces – including isolated rural areas – providing essential relief and supporting hospitals and medical facilities. 

We run over 150 health centres and clinics, including 36 mobile health teams who cover the entire country, and our Covid-19 hospital in Kabul has also treated thousands of patients (and remains operational as cases continue to rise).    

Our network of staff and 40,000 volunteers are working hard to support families through the multiple crises they’re facing right now.  

Your donation will help us deliver food, water, basic medical supplies and shelter.  

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