
Start working in Germany | What is Chancenkarte ( Opportunity Card )

Good news for workers arround the world, now as a non-EU citizen you can immigrate to Germany to find a job and apply for it .

The latest news coming across on the internet about Germany Job Seeker Visa 2023 With Sponsorship Jobs allows International migrants to travel to Germany without a Prior Employment offer. This is great news for applicants who are looking for Jobs in Germany. To make things easier, they announced the German job seeker visa, wherein people are invited to travel to Germany and search for jobs. It is a Long Term Residency Permit that allows the holder to stay in Germany for close to six months and look for a job. Germany is facing alot of shortages in the Job market. Germany needs over 2 lakh immigrants in the next 3 years.

So, It is a great time to take full benefit of this opportunity and apply for Germany Job Seeker Visa 2023 With Sponsorship Jobs in Top Multinational German Companies. If at the end of the six months, you have secured a place of employment, you will be given a German work visa or a German work permit. Are you excited and passionate? The complete details about the Germany Job Seeker Visa 2023, and the list of the Visa Sponsorship Jobs in Germany 2023 are available below.

New 2022 immigration system for workers who want to work in Germany

In early September 2022 Germany announced new system which is called “The Chancenkarte System” , So by this system you can travel and find a job and start working in Germany easy.

What is the chancenkarte ?

The Chancenkarte points system of Germany is a project of the current German government to partially re-regulate the immigration of workers to Germany.

“Chancenkarte” means a set of criteria providing a chance of working in Germany.

How to apply for Chancenkarte ?

You will have to register and apply online. You will have to provide certain information about yourself and your life so far. It is particularly important to provide suitable information on four criteria:

If you have only three of the following criteria, You are ready 🙂.

1. A university degree or vocational school diploma, ( People who graduated Highschool in Afghanistan are included 👍)

2. work experience of at least three years

3.German language skills at about level B1

4. an age of under 35 years.

Those who meet three of these four criteria will be allowed to come to Germany more easily in the future to look for work here. The decisive factor will be that you can look for work here and that you should work in Germany. If you do not find a job, you will probably have to leave Germany again after some time.

Your stay in Germany to look for a job will therefore be limited. In addition, you must be able to prove that you can pay your own living expenses in Germany. This is possible, for example, with a blocked account for the Chance Card.

When The Chancenkarte System will start ?

The Chancenkarte system is expected to be adopted before the end of 2022. After that, the new system still needs to be organized. Several months are expected for this. 

What i have to do now ?

If you want to apply for Chancenkarte then you need to be patient and prepare well.

According to the expected criteria, here’s what you can do to prepare:

1. Complete a course of study or vocational training in your home country.

2. Attend a German course i suggest you to study online on YouTube and have your knowledge certified.

3.Get work certificates from your previous jobs.

Visit AfghanReporter.com every day to get the latest news about Chancenkarte.


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18 Responses

  1. Miragha says:


  2. سلام وقت تون بخیر لطفا میشه راهنمایی کنید

  3. Majid says:

    با 23 سال سن سلام و خسته نباشید با مدرک دیپلم از کشور ایران

  4. نور سه نه وایم کار

  5. جوادمحمدی says:

    تشکربسیارزیادازهمکاریتان موفق باشین

  6. جوادمحمدی هستم ازافغانستان شهرمزارشریف وظیفه برقی هستم ودرکمپنی های خارجی کارکاردم وتشکرازهمکاری شما

  7. محمد جواد says:

    سلام مه یک نظامی بودم ولی در کشور ایران به سر میبرم مصروف کارهای شاقه و کارهای ساختمانی در این کشور هستم میخایوم به کشور آلمان سفر کنم ولی نمیتانوم خانواده مه در افغانستان است خودم به کشور ایران بسیار از زندگی خود رنج می برم کسی است کمک کنه تا بیتانوم ازی کشور به کشور آلمان پناهنده شوم

  8. Hekmat ullah Hamraz says:

    کار خوبی است تشکر از دولت آلمان بخاطر این چانس ره مهیا کردن
    من فارغ التحصیل دانشگاه علوم طبی کابل دانشکده نرسنگ هستم
    ۲ شش ماه تجربه کاری دارم
    ۳ . ۲۶ ساله هستم
    میخواهم دولت آلمان در خواست من را بپذیرد

  9. اقبال says:

    بسیار زیبا

  10. اقبال says:

    خیلی است ماهم نی خواهیم کارخوب کیربیاددنبال کار هستیم بینیم که چطوری شود

  11. اقبال says:

    هابیگملسبگکرینودز لطتبقطمک‌ درتلاشند سب کمدزلنوبر

  12. Khalil.BAZARAKI says:

    بردار عزیز یک سوال داشتم
    من فعلا ۳۴ ساله هستم در سال ۲۰۲۳ میلادی ۳۵ ساله میشوم متولید سال ۱۹۸۸ هستم
    یکی از شرط ها زیر ۳۵ است چی کار کنم المانی شروع کردم ۸ سال تجربه کار دارم
    فارغ التحصیل از دانشگاه هم هستم
    یک مشوره بتین درقسمت سال همین است یعنی

  13. نظر شخصی ندارم

  14. Sajjad says:

    Iam ready for this

  15. Hedayatullah says:

    Vize başvurusu için neler lazım

  16. Hedayatullah says:

    چقسم می‌توانم از ترکیه به آلمان بروم

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