
Islamic Emirate Reacts to UN Rapporteur’s Report

The Islamic Emirate said in reaction to the United Nations Human Rights Council’s report on the situation of women in Afghanistan, that the Western countries have begun an extensive effort of propaganda against the current Afghan government.

The Islamic Emirate’s spokesman, Zabihullah Mujahid, said that orders regarding women are in accordance with Sharia law, and that the world’s opposition to the decrees of the Islamic Emirate stems from their problems with Islam.

“The entire report is anti-Afghanistan propaganda. Second, all of the laws that are in effect here are Islamic and Sharia-based. The issue with Richard Bennett, his ilk, and organizations like them that propagate in the West, is with Islam and Islamic law,” Mujahid noted.

The UN Human Rights Council’s special rapporteur for Afghan human rights, Richard Bennett, criticized the policies of the current Afghan government towards women in Afghanistan.

“Grave, systematic and institutionalized discrimination against women and girls is at the heart of Taliban ideology and rule, which also gives rise to concerns that they may be responsible for gender apartheid. A serious human rights violation which although not yet explicitly an international crime requires further studies,” Bennett noted.

The UN Human Rights Council’s special rapporteur highlighted that “a durable peace will only come about through recognizing the richness of the diversity of Afghanistan’s people, women, men, any gender and different ethnic and religious groups.”

However, political experts believe that it is not enough to emphasize human rights by broadcasting reports in Afghanistan.

“Bennett’s attitude should be truly expert and very practical, which means changing the situation,” said Wais Nasiri, a political analyst.

“The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan must reconsider the orders issued for the education and employment of Afghan women, so that Afghan women have rights granted to them by the noble religion of Islam,” said Ahmad Khan Andar, another political analyst.

The UN Human Rights Council’s special rapporteur for Afghan human rights, Richard Bennett, on Monday presented his report at the 53rd meeting of the Human Rights Council in Geneva, in the presence of representatives from various countries and international organizations.

Earlier, Bennett has said in a report that between September 2021 and May 2023, more than 50 edicts were issued regarding women and girls by the Islamic Emirate, which has “deprived Afghan women of the right to education, work, and participation in social and political life.”

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