
Donate Meal For Afghan Families

Meal donations for Afghan families

Donate to Afghanistan Earthquake

International aid groups in Afghanistan are scrambling to send help to survivors of an earthquake which has left more than 2,000 people dead and many more injured in a war-ravaged nation already stricken by an economic crisis.

The 6.3 magnitude quake struck on Saturday 25 miles (40 kilometers) west of Herat city in the western Herat province – the third largest in Afghanistan.

It’s one of the deadliest quakes to hit Afghanistan in recent years – last June, a 5.9 magnitude earthquake in the eastern Paktika and Khost provinces bordering Pakistan, killed more than a thousand people.

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With the help of generous people like you, AfghanReporter.com prepare meals to hunger familes. Every dollar you give helps us feed hungry children, families and seniors in our community. Please give today to support our vision of communities where no one has to go hungry.

Donations for Afghan people
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